Rotates motors producing the necessary
electricity by renewable solar energy.
Transfers water which is on the cold lower
layer and lacks dissolved oxygen to the
surface layer by rotating the impeller
connected to motor & axis consistently.
The widespread current is formed form the
transferred water in the shape of near
laminar flow through the distributing plates.
Water running widely in a circle is provided
with sufficient dissolved oxygen in the air
and its constant flow & circulation makes
toxic algae’s habitat destroyed.
Water running into the lower layer supplies
the sufficient oxygen necessary for microbes
to do the self-purification and controls the
elution of heavy metals & nutrient salts and
odor by resolving the anaerobic state which
is short of dissolved oxygen due to the water
Suppleies the sufficient dissilved oxygen 24
hours for 365 days and controls the growth
of blue-green alage to maintain clean water &
healthy aquatic ecosystem